We made learning fun at St Brendan's Primary

"It's from our realisation of the power of open learning, that we continue to design and to build..."

Of the many schools to have experienced accumulated success, was St Brendan's Primary, whom recognised the potential in open learning, from speaking with fellow schools.

St Brendan's Primary School opened in 1891, and first switched to opening learning in 2010 when they assigned us to refurbish their new building. During this project, we spent many days analysing the given spaces, speaking with the staff and students, and collectively selecting furniture to best provide for the given space and the amount of students.

We worked closely with the Principal and Vice Principal to gain insight, to understand their objectives and to collaboratively create a vision. We provided our expertise as a guide for choosing what would function best in the given setting. After complete agreement, we proceeded to design, to sample and to build.

At St Brendan's Primary School, we had refurbished six classrooms, all of which opened out to a bigger area. In addition, we refurbished the Languages room, Visual Arts room, and the Community Information Centre. We're currently working on other classrooms, to consistently achieve open learning throughout the entire school.

Through our projects like Bethany Catholic Primary and St Brendan's Primary, we have applied personalised colour schemes, designs, and pieces to suit the present architecture and circumstances. Though with every project, we continue to achieve a successful open learning environment, through our continued research and ongoing practice.

We've been greatly moved and inspired by our first-hand experiences of open learning to encourage and to motivate both students and teachers. It's from our realisation of the power of open learning, that we continue to design and to build, as we work toward achieving a greater education system like never before.